Monday, March 23, 2009

Warning: I spammed our blog with photo's from my weekend.

A collective of my most memorable photos from my weekend. Usually weekends aren't this eventful. Welcome to the life of destiny and random adventures I wander off into.

This, visual here is a place I like to come and relax and get creative. "The Ditch"

After enjoying an entire evening at the ditch I yandered to my favorite mexican ice cream shop (Fiesta Palebolis). They make all their ice cream freshly.

After the ice cream went on a nightly adventure and enjoyed the environment of this street so I flicked it.

My friends car was broken into before the way to Austin for South by South West's Music Festival.
Shephard Faireys crew was there to install a mural infront of Industrys Art Gallery.
I took part in the movement and helped out with the mural. This photo wasn't taken by me obviously.
I forgot this dogs name but he was adorable and "give a dog a bone" expression fits well here.
After we left the Art Gallery we went to a taco stand on the way to see Erykah Badu perform. This guy had the most crazyest blinged out fang grill I've ever seen!

The capitol building at the end of my stay in Austin.
My sunday spent at the park with family and clowns for my little cousins 1st birthday.

& buenas noches (goodnight) i need to wake up for class in a couple of hours and my sleeping pattern is still on spring break mode.


  1. I like the photos of your cousin having the face painting. The 2 perspective ways of showing is great. The composition of the clown and the kids were great.
    Did you use low ISO of your capitol shot? There's a lot of noise in it.
    By the way, the upper left part of your lens seems to be dirty. Clean it now.

  2. OMG i love the picture of the dog!!!its so cuteeee.I also like the photo of the mural, the colors stands out alot which make it really good. is that dan's car?

  3. Love the face painting shots, and the ditch! I, too, have had many ditches and urban corners that I've escaped to and "get creative," I should post them soon...
