Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Old School Pictures from DC

I'm currently avoiding writing a 5 page paper right now, so I'm going through some photos that I've taken from back in the day... I'm pretty sure that means from last year but that seems forever ago!!

This first one was taken at the US Postal Museum in Washington DC. It's probably not News Photo worthy but I like it. 

The one on the right is obviously the Capitol. I don't think that I need to 
say any more about that. 

Left: Picture taken at the Botanical Gardens in front of the Capitol. 

After a long day of touring the city with the in-laws we went by the Washington monument right sundown. I though it made an interesting effect with the silhouette.  

This is the Iwo Jima memorial in the DC/Virginia area. This is a very hard picture to take at night because of all the people that are around and there is very little light from the memorial and it's not around anything else to give off light. I took about 50 pictures I believe just to get a decent one and it's not great if it's too large but I just had my simple point and shoot camera w
ith me. I hadn't bought my SLR camera yet. I hope to go back and capture a better picture with my SLR 

"Here We Mark The Price Of Freedom" is the saying in front of this wall of stars. This memorial is located with in the WWII memorial in DC. This is newest edition to their memorials and this particular memorial recognizes those that fell for our country during WWII.

Besides the new WWII memorial, this is my favorite memorial. This is the Vietnam War Memorial, a.k.a "The Wall". For those who haven't seen it or don't know what it is, it is a long black granite wall with lists of names of soldiers that were Missing In Action, Killed In Action or Prisoners Of War. Although it seems simple enough and not very emotional, most will tell you that it is the most emotional. To walk through the path and see the names continue on and on is heart wrenching. The wall has 58,000 names on it and they continue to update that wall as remains are found. As you see in this picture, someone left a flag for those lost. You see the reflection of the flag and as you walk past the wall you can see your own reflection, adding to the emotion of the memorial. My one hope is that my husband and I will one day get to go back so that I can have him kneel down, one hand on the wall with his head down and get a picture of him and his reflection on the wall. Although the idea is no original, it is close to home for me with my dad being in 2 wars and my husband currently deployed. Although this picture is very simple, it means so much to me and reminds me why my dad and husband do what they do. I hope that everyone will respect and thank the people that are or have fought for this country because in one war at least 58,000 people didn't come home to their families for our country. The story is touching and inspiring for me and pushes me into wanting to do documentary photography with an emphasis on war photography. 

Ok so now that I'm done with that long spiel!! I'm going to get to working on this paper of mine. I have tons of photos for there and other places that I'll post at another time.  

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